What I’m Loving Lately – July 2019

The latest installment of things I love and want to share! Public Libraries I know, I realise this is slightly cheaty because I’m never quiet about my love of public libraries. But this inclusion is extra special in that my local library just recently announced that it is now completely fine free – meaning that…

My Recent Media Diet

I’ve been reading Jason Kottke’s blog for over a decade now and enjoy his occasional series ‘media diet‘. I thought I might take inspiration from this because so far 2019 has been full to the brim with examples of quality television, multi-box office-busting movies and more. (I won’t go into books because I already talk…

A (Belated) Best of 2018 Digest

Part of me wonders at the use of writing this post midway through the first month of a new year (I have a little voice singing the line ‘The past is in the paaaaaast!’ from ‘Let it go’ as I type). But I’m going to ignore it because I believe in the merit and value…