What I’m Reading December 2017

Hello again and (almost) Happy New Year to you! I hope you’ve had a restful holiday period – ours has been… eventful. See the bottom of the post and you’ll see why! But it’s been lovely to host family and generally take it easy. I’ve needed it. The first book I’ll talk about is Rising…

Christmas Card Challenge 2017

  It’s Christmas Card Challenge time! If you’re new to the blog this year, let me explain the story behind this humble little annual fundraising drive and its purpose. A long time ago, I was that person who wrote Christmas cards. Not so much for pleasure but out of obligation, and also because I genuinely get excited about…

Creativity, Life and Inspiration

  In recent weeks I’ve been reflecting on the topics of creativity, life and inspiration. No, not due to the release of the book. At least, not directly. Let me outline the few things that have prompted me to sit down and write this post. In case you missed my linking to it on social media, I…