The Creative Life Podcast Episode Twelve
I would say that as far as this crowdfunding project has gone, 60% of the work I did was in the lead up to the launch date itself and 40% went into the subsequent marketing and promotion.
In order to hit that launch day target I set for myself, I had to have everything ready to go in advance. This meant I had to shoot the video, write the media releases and come up with a mini mailing list to send these too. I created social media images and updates and scheduled those. I also had the final book cover to ON THE MANY SHAPES BODIES WILL TAKE designed and this will be revealed on the blog next week. I plotted these updates out on my hard-copy calendar, ensuring they were regular but not irritating (and if it’s been the latter, I apologise. We’re nearly there!) and then later put in my phone. My website re-design launch was timed to happen during the campaign. All these factors combined helped, I think, in making it successful.
Yes, that’s right. The Pozible target has been hit! Hurrah! More about that in the episode. Thank you, everyone x
Find your true why
Set a goal or outcome (or both)
RESEARCH… and not just on Google
Keep to a timetable
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Please support my Pozible campaign.